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Woman with a white smile

Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is a revolutionary aesthetic treatment that has meant a huge step forward in the world of dental aesthetics, since it manages to lighten the original color of the teeth by several shades, leaving the teeth whiter and brighter.

The whitening of teeth allows the removal of most stains produced by medication or by extrinsic causes such as tea, coffee, infusions, cigarettes, red wine, among other substances and foods. However, not all stains or tooth shades can be removed or improved through teeth whitening and may require other types of cosmetic dental treatments such as porcelain veneers or veneers.

The dental whitening carried out by a specialist dentist does not cause pain, dental abrasion (wear), nor does it weaken the teeth if carried out correctly; they simply use gels that act chemically through the oxygen they contain, being able to reduce several shades within the same colour of the tooth. The use of special lights considerably improves the result and that is why many specialists consider their use essential.

Diagnosis and treatment

After making a good diagnosis and deciding whether or not it is necessary, we apply the most appropriate technique to each dental stain depending on whether the stain is caused by trauma, medication or congenital. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the degree of staining of the teeth. The professional decides whether the treatment is indicated or not. It is painless, practical and has almost no contraindications. The duration of the whitening effect depends largely on the type of diet the patient follows after the treatment.

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What makes us different from other dental clinics?

We want you to smile with the best of smiles but also that this does not represent any kind of discomfort or problem for you. Therefore, when it comes time to do a whitening with us, you can rest assured. In the whitening treatments used at Bosch Dental Institute we use top quality materials and compounds and our professionals will take care of you and your treatment with the care, experience and professionalism you deserve.

If you are interested in this treatment, we inform you that you can enjoy up to 36 months of financing with Banco Santander. For more information call us at 93 211 20 11 or come to our dental clinic at 495 Muntaner Street. We will be delighted to help you!