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Dental Institute + Asepeyo

Bosch Dental Institute, Asepeyo Mutual's reception centre

Our clinic joins the group of professionals that make up the network of centers of the well-known mutual insurance company, Asepeyo. Approaching the occupational health sector has always been one of our objectives, now fulfilled with this collaboration.

What does it mean to be a receiving centre?

Being one of the care centres is for us the result of many years of work and effort. This collaboration makes us more competitive in the following areas:

- The patient and his diagnosis remain the focus of our clinical management

- We have a comprehensive team of professionals specialized in occupational pathologies

- We guarantee a follow-up of the worker's medical process

- Investment in technology and healthcare equipment

- To promote the prevention of occupational risks

"Becoming an Asepeyo receiving center gives us a new impetus to continue improving the oral health of all our patients".